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Territory Director

Doctor on air apps

AI-Powered Feature to Enhance Productivity and cost Efficiency

Free yourself from time-consuming tasks while enabling your monthly quantitative metrics.

The new Territory Director feature streamlines the workload for Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs), saving an impressive 10 hours monthly through task automation. It offers significant cost and time savings, enhancing efficiency and productivity. In addition, this leads to higher quantitative metrics, making it easier for the user to not only meet their monthly metric but also increase the number of unique HCPs seen.

By seamlessly integrating with your CRM Salesforce, it uses AI to analyze meeting history and various variables that are incorporated into the algorithm to intelligently determine the necessity of future meetings with individual contacts while drafting personalized multichannel outreach. 

The AI takes all accounts (doctors) in an MSL's territory and knows how often an MSL should meet with them (based on target list) as well as when the last meeting was (based on logged calls). It is used to draft Introductory (if there are no previous meetings) or Follow-up meeting outreach that are easily sent for easier and faster communication.

Account (Doctor) Profile

    User (MSL’s) Calendar


    Eliminate those time-consuming tasks and streamline
    your workflows with Territory Manager today!