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Wrapping it Up: How Early and Proper Medical Science Liaison Training Reduces Medical Affairs Costs


The journey to becoming a fully functional Medical Science Liaison (MSL) is often long and costly. In this article, we explore the significance of early and proper training for MSLs and how it can substantially reduce costs and add value for Medical Affairs departments.

The Time Factor in MSL Training

Experienced MSLs

According to a recent LinkedIn poll, 78% of pharmaceutical industry professionals stated it takes up to 6 months to train an experienced newly hired MSL before they are field-ready. This period involves not just understanding the science and data behind their product but also honing MSL soft skills such as information gathering, storytelling, and improvisation skills.

78% of pharmaceutical industry professionals stated it takes up to 6 months to train an experienced newly hired MSL before they are field-ready

Inexperienced MSLs

In another LinkedIn poll, 54% of pharmaceutical industry professionals stated it takes 18-24 months for an inexperienced newly hired MSL before they are fully acclimated to their new role and industry. This extended period can be attributed to the steep learning curve associated with understanding complex medical data, compliance regulations, and effective communication with healthcare providers.

54% of pharmaceutical industry professionals stated it takes 18-24 months for an inexperienced newly hired MSL before they are fully acclimated to their new role and industry

The Cost of MSL Training

According to our conservative estimations, it costs about $100,000 to >$400,000 to employ MSLs during their training and acclimation period depending on their level of experience. These costs include salaries, benefits, and other business-related expenditures during the onboarding period.

The Value of Early and Proper Training

By training newly hired MSLs early in their career and soon after being hired, companies ensure their MSLs are empowered with the correct skills to provide the most value to their company. This decreases acclimation time for inexperienced MSLs as well as increases the value provided to their company. Proper training also decreases time to field-readiness for those with prior experience. Ensuring MSLs have the proper foundation as the begin their new role saves Medical Affairs departments hundreds of thousands of dollars while simultaneously increases qualitative outcomes.

De-Risking New Hires

A great way to de-risk newly hired MSLs is to partner with companies such as PharmacoTalent, which offers contract MSL support and fully trains MSLs in all the skills necessary to be successful. This partnership ensures that MSLs are not just technically proficient but also effective in their roles, thereby reducing the risk and cost associated with new hires.


The role of a Medical Science Liaison is complex and multifaceted. However, with early and proper training, companies can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with making an MSL field-ready. Partnering with specialized firms like PharmacoTalent can further streamline this process, ensuring that your MSLs are an asset rather than a cost center.



Published date

October 10, 2023