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3 Ways MSLs Can Enhance Communication with Upper Management

The role of a Medical Science Liaison (MSL) is crucial in the healthcare industry. However, there often exists a visibility gap between MSLs and upper management. This article will explore three ways to bridge this gap.

Understanding the Role of a Medical Science Liaison

Before we delve into the solutions, it’s essential to understand the role of an MSL. A Medical Science Liaison is a field-based scientist who is the bridge between pharmaceutical companies and the medical community. Their role involves scientific exchange, research, collaboration, and the dissemination of information to healthcare professionals. Due to their field-based role as well as subjectivity in measuring success, there is often a gap between their perceived value by upper management and the real value they add to their departments and companies.

There is often a gap between their perceived value by upper management and the real value they add to their departments and companies

1. Regular, Effective Reporting

One of the most effective ways to bridge the visibility gap is through regular reporting. MSLs and team directors should provide comprehensive reports about their activities, findings, and interactions with healthcare professionals. This not only keeps the management informed but also highlights the value of the MSL’s work.

Most teams already do this. But the visibility gap still remains. This suggests that there are better ways to report regularly to upper management. The way to do this is through reporting qualitative outcomes, rather than quantitative updates.

One of the most effective ways to bridge the visibility gap is through regular reporting.

2. Active Participation in Strategic Planning

MSL are uniquely positioned to actively participate in strategic planning sessions. Their insights from the field can provide valuable input into the company’s strategies and steer direction of product development. This active participation also allows upper management to understand the challenges and opportunities that MSLs encounter in their roles.

Outcomes from MSL-HCP meetings, if properly communicated, can enhance medical strategy by providing internal stakeholders with accurate and timely information about what healthcare providers are thinking or offering in terms of expertise. The right tools are needed to allow for this regular communication.

Outcomes from MSL-HCP meetings, if properly communicated, can enhance medical strategy by providing internal stakeholders.

3. Enhancing Skills and Knowledge

The Medical Science Liaison salary often reflects the level of scientific expertise and knowledge required for the role. However, scientific expertise does not provide all experience necessary perform the duties of an MSL. To optimally gather medical insights and achieve other qualitative outcomes, continuous learning and soft skill enhancement can help MSLs become more visible to upper management. By honing these skills, MSLs can gather valuable medical insights that can influence decision-making at the top level.

Continuous learning and soft skill enhancement can help MSLs become more visible to upper management.


Bridging the visibility gap between Medical Science Liaisons and upper management is crucial for the success of any healthcare organization. By implementing these strategies, MSLs can ensure their work is recognized and valued by the top management.

Bridging the visibility gap between Medical Science Liaisons and upper management is crucial for the success of any healthcare organization.



Published date

July 12, 2023